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How can ESSER funds help schools accelerate learning recovery?
Group of educators discussing how to accelerate learning recovery

How can ESSER funds help schools accelerate learning recovery?

10-Second Summary

ESSER funding is available for schools to support accelerated learning in response to interrupted instruction. This article explains how districts can access ESSER funding for on-demand tutoring as an avenue to support accelerated learning.

In March 2020, Congress set aside the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund, designed to help support schools recover from the pandemic and provide academic support to struggling students within those institutions.

Approximately 20% of ESSER funds used by each district must be spent on evidence-based interventions intended to address learning loss—a concern that has caused persistent issues throughout the pandemic.

ESSER funds can be used to help schools accelerate learning recovery in several key ways.

ESSER-funded online tutoring can help schools address learning loss

Approximately 40% of school districts and charter schools plan to use their ESSER funding on tutoring. Tutoring is a proven intervention strategy that can help provide much-needed academic support for struggling students.

TutorMe is a highly effective tutoring solution currently used by schools across the nation to help address learning loss spurred by the pandemic.

Why do schools choose TutorMe? There are several key reasons.

TutorMe offers 24/7 access

Students and families have busy schedules that keep them on the go after school hours. Students may be at the mercy of parents' schedules, including work requirements, or have their own after-school activities that keep them busy. Adding tutoring on top of that can make it incredibly difficult for students to balance those demands. TutorMe, however, is available 24/7, so students can access it when it's convenient for them.

TutorMe covers all subjects

Students in elementary and secondary schools participate in a wide range of subjects, including many outside the core math, reading, science, and social studies. They may take language classes, enrichment classes, STEM classes, or classes specifically geared toward their future professions. Finding tutors for those specialized subjects can prove critical for many students, especially those who may have struggled with pandemic-related learning loss.

TutorMe is easy to manage and implement

Many districts are still struggling with the implications of the pandemic. They may have a significant shortage of available teachers or have problems with burnout that are carrying into the new school year. Setting up a new tutoring program from scratch can feel impossible. With TutorMe, however, the program is already in place. It's easy to implement and requires relatively little management from administrators, which can help districts get started sooner.

TutorMe can replicate many of the best elements of in-person learning

Live lessons are conducted one-on-one in a personalized environment where tutors can use audio and video chat to establish the engaging face-to-face interactivity previously achieved only by in-person learning. This dynamic, personal learning environment enables tutors to get to know their students and deliver support based on their needs. As a result, students are able to learn more effectively and excel academically.

TutorMe gives students and tutors access to the latest learning tools

TutorMe offers learners access to a variety of collaborative learning tools, including:

  • Virtual whiteboards
  • Live audio, video, and text-based chat
  • Screen sharing
  • Text editor
  • Code editor
  • Scientific calculator

Each tool is easy-to-use, versatile, and engaging to help enrich the student’s learning experience for better outcomes.

TutorMe grants teachers full access to student analytics

Often, students will perform differently in a tutoring session than they do in the classroom. Students may be stressed or frustrated by the classroom environment, feel rushed, or struggle to adhere to their teachers' standards. In the virtual tutoring environment, on the other hand, they may come out of their shells and thrive. TutorMe provides educators access to student analytics to help them track progress, optimize instructional design, create detailed reports for administration meetings, and more.

Summer learning and summer enrichment programs can help improve student learning

With summer learning and enrichment programs, many students are able to avoid summer learning loss and even improve their academic standing over the long summer months. There are many summer learning enrichment programs that can help students improve learning and reach their goals.  

Summer school

A traditional summer school program can help students make up classes they may have failed during the school year or take courses that will provide scaffolding for content they may have missed in the past.

Summer enrichment classes

In some cases, districts might elect to provide summer enrichment classes for their students. Students can check out classes they might not be able to take during the school year, including specialized courses like film appreciation.

Regardless of what type of summer program you offer for your students, TutorMe can help. With 24/7/365 availability, TutorMe can support students as they go through their summer school classes or provide them with enrichment opportunities to help them prepare for the coming school year.

Extended school year programs can help provide services and learning beyond the school year

Many districts already have programs in place that can provide special education students with support beyond the regular school year. As districts address pandemic-related learning losses, they may choose to expand offerings into the summer that may provide students with additional support and help them deal with any challenges they might have faced during the school year.

Extended class sessions

In some cases, extending the time offered for regular classes can give students more time to catch up. With many students struggling with pandemic-related learning loss, those additional weeks in the classroom can make a huge difference.

Ongoing academic support services

Many of the academic support services available during the school year can be made available to students over the summer months with ESSER funding. Schools may implement speech services, reading support, or other vital instructional options over the summer. Specialized academic support over the summer can help prepare students to excel in the coming school year.

TutorMe is available year-round, so it's accessible to students trying to improve their comprehension or academic levels over the summer. As a result, students will be on track to excel in their summer programs.

TutorMe can help you make the most of ESSER funding

If you're looking for an ESSER-eligible intervention that can help accelerate learning recovery, TutorMe is the ideal investment. When used alongside the other programs you've provided for your district, TutorMe can offer considerable supplemental support.

Ready to take the next step in helping your students recover from learning loss? Contact us today and learn more about how we could help you maximize the impact of your ESSER funding.

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How can ESSER funds help schools accelerate learning recovery?
Group of educators discussing how to accelerate learning recovery

How can ESSER funds help schools accelerate learning recovery?

Rudy Hernandez
August 9, 2022
10-Second Summary

ESSER funding is available for schools to support accelerated learning in response to interrupted instruction. This article explains how districts can access ESSER funding for on-demand tutoring as an avenue to support accelerated learning.

In March 2020, Congress set aside the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund, designed to help support schools recover from the pandemic and provide academic support to struggling students within those institutions.

Approximately 20% of ESSER funds used by each district must be spent on evidence-based interventions intended to address learning loss—a concern that has caused persistent issues throughout the pandemic.

ESSER funds can be used to help schools accelerate learning recovery in several key ways.

ESSER-funded online tutoring can help schools address learning loss

Approximately 40% of school districts and charter schools plan to use their ESSER funding on tutoring. Tutoring is a proven intervention strategy that can help provide much-needed academic support for struggling students.

TutorMe is a highly effective tutoring solution currently used by schools across the nation to help address learning loss spurred by the pandemic.

Why do schools choose TutorMe? There are several key reasons.

TutorMe offers 24/7 access

Students and families have busy schedules that keep them on the go after school hours. Students may be at the mercy of parents' schedules, including work requirements, or have their own after-school activities that keep them busy. Adding tutoring on top of that can make it incredibly difficult for students to balance those demands. TutorMe, however, is available 24/7, so students can access it when it's convenient for them.

TutorMe covers all subjects

Students in elementary and secondary schools participate in a wide range of subjects, including many outside the core math, reading, science, and social studies. They may take language classes, enrichment classes, STEM classes, or classes specifically geared toward their future professions. Finding tutors for those specialized subjects can prove critical for many students, especially those who may have struggled with pandemic-related learning loss.

TutorMe is easy to manage and implement

Many districts are still struggling with the implications of the pandemic. They may have a significant shortage of available teachers or have problems with burnout that are carrying into the new school year. Setting up a new tutoring program from scratch can feel impossible. With TutorMe, however, the program is already in place. It's easy to implement and requires relatively little management from administrators, which can help districts get started sooner.

TutorMe can replicate many of the best elements of in-person learning

Live lessons are conducted one-on-one in a personalized environment where tutors can use audio and video chat to establish the engaging face-to-face interactivity previously achieved only by in-person learning. This dynamic, personal learning environment enables tutors to get to know their students and deliver support based on their needs. As a result, students are able to learn more effectively and excel academically.

TutorMe gives students and tutors access to the latest learning tools

TutorMe offers learners access to a variety of collaborative learning tools, including:

  • Virtual whiteboards
  • Live audio, video, and text-based chat
  • Screen sharing
  • Text editor
  • Code editor
  • Scientific calculator

Each tool is easy-to-use, versatile, and engaging to help enrich the student’s learning experience for better outcomes.

TutorMe grants teachers full access to student analytics

Often, students will perform differently in a tutoring session than they do in the classroom. Students may be stressed or frustrated by the classroom environment, feel rushed, or struggle to adhere to their teachers' standards. In the virtual tutoring environment, on the other hand, they may come out of their shells and thrive. TutorMe provides educators access to student analytics to help them track progress, optimize instructional design, create detailed reports for administration meetings, and more.

Summer learning and summer enrichment programs can help improve student learning

With summer learning and enrichment programs, many students are able to avoid summer learning loss and even improve their academic standing over the long summer months. There are many summer learning enrichment programs that can help students improve learning and reach their goals.  

Summer school

A traditional summer school program can help students make up classes they may have failed during the school year or take courses that will provide scaffolding for content they may have missed in the past.

Summer enrichment classes

In some cases, districts might elect to provide summer enrichment classes for their students. Students can check out classes they might not be able to take during the school year, including specialized courses like film appreciation.

Regardless of what type of summer program you offer for your students, TutorMe can help. With 24/7/365 availability, TutorMe can support students as they go through their summer school classes or provide them with enrichment opportunities to help them prepare for the coming school year.

Extended school year programs can help provide services and learning beyond the school year

Many districts already have programs in place that can provide special education students with support beyond the regular school year. As districts address pandemic-related learning losses, they may choose to expand offerings into the summer that may provide students with additional support and help them deal with any challenges they might have faced during the school year.

Extended class sessions

In some cases, extending the time offered for regular classes can give students more time to catch up. With many students struggling with pandemic-related learning loss, those additional weeks in the classroom can make a huge difference.

Ongoing academic support services

Many of the academic support services available during the school year can be made available to students over the summer months with ESSER funding. Schools may implement speech services, reading support, or other vital instructional options over the summer. Specialized academic support over the summer can help prepare students to excel in the coming school year.

TutorMe is available year-round, so it's accessible to students trying to improve their comprehension or academic levels over the summer. As a result, students will be on track to excel in their summer programs.

TutorMe can help you make the most of ESSER funding

If you're looking for an ESSER-eligible intervention that can help accelerate learning recovery, TutorMe is the ideal investment. When used alongside the other programs you've provided for your district, TutorMe can offer considerable supplemental support.

Ready to take the next step in helping your students recover from learning loss? Contact us today and learn more about how we could help you maximize the impact of your ESSER funding.

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